Monday, 11 January 2016



This function can be used to assign individual articles to a different merchandise category without having to create a reclassification version before doing so.

This function assigns an article to a different, existing merchandise category or to a characteristics profile. You can also split a merchandise category by creating a new merchandise category and moving individual articles from the existing merchandise category to the new one.
If you want to change the assignments of a large number of articles or existing merchandise categories, you should follow the procedure described in Reclassification of articles and Merchandise Catgeories

  • The system supports you in selecting the article and the new merchandise category.
    • You can have the system determine the characteristics profile automatically or you can enter a new profile. If you have the system determine the profile automatically, it transfers the characteristics from the article, provided they occur in the target merchandise category as well. The characteristic values in the source must be defined in the target in full. Thus, when reclassifying an article with the characteristic color and the valuesredgreen and yellow to a merchandise category that has the characteristic color, but only black andwhite as the values, the system does not transfer the characteristics.
    • You can decide which follow-up activities the system performs. The following activities are possible:
      • Change purchase order items
    The system checks the open purchase orders to see where the article appears and, if necessary, changes the assignment of the relevant order items to merchandise category.
      • Change allocation table items
    The system checks the allocation tables to see where the article appears and, if necessary, changes the assignment of the relevant allocation table items to merchandise category. You can also ensure that allocation tables are not taken into consideration.
      • Create new listing conditions
    The system checks whether listing conditions are required for the article and creates them if necessary.
      • Change previous listing conditions
    The system checks whether listing conditions exist for the article and changes them as necessary.
    • You can enter a listing procedure for the reclassified article.
    • You can choose whether a test run (no posting) is to be performed. The system always creates a log showing the individual activities that have been performed.
    • You can save the settings that you defined in the selection screen for this function as variants and reload them at any time.
    • You can have the system perform the reclassification in the background at a time you select yourself.

    PIC 1 to PIC 5 show the process Article 701 belonging to RM0011 Changed to RM0011

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