Wednesday 6 January 2016



A site cannot sell article that is not maintained in its Assortment
We also Can say that a site can only purchase articles that are maintained in its assortment and this is subject to listing conditions with the validity dates

The structure of the assortment is as follows

Assortment Module


The picture below shows an assortment with its assortment modules

WS1 is assortment 
Which contains the  assortment module 10000007929
The module is valid from its creation date 27.12.2015
It contains articles with different list dates 

An assortment is an object to which articles are assigned for a specific time frame (validity
period). This assignment can be made either directly of via assortment modules. The results of
this assignment are listing conditions that form the basis for a variety of reports.

The following types of assortment are available:
• Assortments suitable for stores
• Assortments suitable for distribution centers
• General article assortments, particularly suitable for wholesale customers
Currently, only the following assignments can be made:
• For stores, exactly one suitable assortment (occurs implicitly through retail site
• For distribution centers, the same applies
• For general article assortments, as many customers as desired with one or more
   assignments per sales area.
An assortment user must be assigned to an assortment before it can use the articles in that
assortment for its various business functions. The scope of functions available is determined by
the category of assortment user.
Category Of Customers
Distribution centers
In Retail, the most important assortment user is the retail site.
The assortment of a site consists of all the articles in which it trades.
Assortments can be grouped together in the Classification System using SAP class type 047.

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